About us

Our Bishop & Overseer
Bishop Lawrence T. and Overseer Rev. Dr. Wendolyn D. Rivers are ordinary people destined by God to do extraordinary work. They are real people who desire to see real lives changed, miracles received and relationships restored. Their focus is to see people build a lasting relationship with God through His word. As the shepherds of Trinity Faith Church of the Living God, their journey to follow God's vision and plan for their ministry has been faithfully directed for 18 years and still going.
Starting from the living room of their residence, holding Sunday worship service and Bible Study. Then two front churches and finally in 1999 a building to house Trinity Faith Church. Bishop Lawrence T. Rivers and Overseer Rev. Dr. Wendolyn D. Rivers have dedicated their lives to Christ and His vision for the community of Jersey City. With the Trinity Faith Community Development we have Kidz Kingdom Learning Center directed by Rev. Dr. Wendolyn D. Rivers which is a New Jersey Licenced and Board Certified Learning Center. With new modifications to the sanctuary and ventures on the cusp of a break through, the vision that God has given is still clear to Bishop Lawrence and Overseer Rivers. God will make provisions for the furtherance of Trinity Faith Church of the Living God.